Democrats’ New Jim Crow: Illegal Immigration and the Destruction of Black America

Trusting Your Genius

Are you a trusting soul? Most of us start that way, but life has a way of stripping away that innocence. Trauma, deceit, and broken promises turn us into skeptics, and often for good reason.

Skepticism, when wielded wisely, isn’t a flaw—it’s a skill. It’s your BS meter, finely tuned over years of experience, helping you sift truth from lies, allies from opportunists, and authentic leadership from empty rhetoric. You’ve been honing this genius all along, even if you didn’t realize it.

Whether it’s the friends you choose, the people you let near your children, or the politicians you back, your instincts have been your guide. In 2016, that genius helped elect Donald Trump, and it’s been calling out Leftist nonsense ever since.

The problem isn’t that Americans lack discernment; it’s that we’re too quick to defer to so-called “experts.” Trump is a perfect example, as many of these experts mocked him. Now those same experts sheepishly admit they were wrong, and have boarded the MAGA train; mostly for their own gain.

Meanwhile, ordinary Americans saw through the fog of media manipulation. Why? Because we’ve been living the consequences of Leftist policies for decades. Further, we shared Trump’s agenda: America First.

Immigration and the Slap in the Face to Blacks

Take immigration as an example. Leftists will cry crocodile tears over gang violence in foreign countries, demanding we open our borders to anyone and everyone. But where are those tears for the gang violence tearing apart our own cities? For the Black children trapped in neighborhoods that resemble war zones?

When was the last time a Leftist activist stood in Chicago or Baltimore and demanded sanctuary for the Black kids desperate to escape their own lives? We even have a term for these children: “at risk”. Nevertheless, instead of focusing on extricating these young at-risk kids from dire circumstance, Leftist activists prefer to guilt Americans into prioritizing foreigners over our own citizens. Their message is caring for your own is selfish. However, it’s not selfish—it’s common sense.

Illegal immigration isn’t just a policy failure; it’s a slap in the face to the millions of Black Americans who deserve better. While the media offers a myriad of images of asylum-seekers crying at the border, they ignore the tears of American families burying children lost to gang violence. Where’s the justice and compassion in that?

Trump Champions Blacks

Yet, the Left has the gall to declare Trump a racist. His policies actually help Blacks more than any Democrat so-called “help”. In fact, Trump’s America First immigration policy prioritizes the most vulnerable segment of American society, which sadly is the Black community thanks to Leftist policies. By cracking down on illegals, Trump in effect makes more of America’s resources available to the Black community.

Recall Trump’s first term where Blacks were the most employed we had been in decades. But it’s not just employment that’s impacted. Illegals flood schools in minorities communities, as they do our hospitals. Consider how much time we’ve spent over the past 4 years discussing illegals, and the resources spent accommodating the invasion.

While Leftists decry the “separation of families”, they wholly ignore the same for Black families, separated by the lack of job opportunities and father’s inabilities to take care of their children financially. And the prison industrial complex where Black men so often fall victim due to lack of education or other opportunities.

How many Black children are raised by their grandmothers or aunts, due to policies of Leftists that have decimated the Black community? More per capita than any other racial group, you can bet. Trump’s focus is on reuniting the Black family with policies like the First Step Act. And stopping the invasion from illegals will allow America to continue to provide the American Dream for young Blacks.

2025 and the New Reality

The Left still acts as if this country is split down the middle politically. But that’s a lie. America is 80 percent MAGA. You see it in the change in Leftist mayors and governors who now soften their stances on immigration. You see it in the Left’s quiet retreat from policies that were once their battle cries. And you see it in the ordinary Americans who refuse to be guilted any longer.

2025 is the year we reclaim our trust—in ourselves and in our country. It’s the year we stop letting Leftist propaganda override our instincts. The year we remember that prioritizing Americans, especially those in the most vulnerable communities, isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s the genius thing to do.

Illegal immigration is Democrats’ new Jim Crow. They cleverly disguise their disgust for Blacks in their virtue-signaling care for illegals. But that’s window-dressing for their real motive to destroy the Black community.

So here’s the challenge: the next time a Leftist tries to guilt you into prioritizing someone else’s “asylum,” think about the kids in America who are crying for help. Trust your instincts. Trust your genius. And never, ever let them make you feel guilty for putting your own country first. You don’t need to go to Guatemala to see gang violence. Just visit the Black neighborhoods of any Democrat-controlled city to see hundreds of families looking for asylum.

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