Higher Ed Institutions Cutting Programs

Any guesses to what and why?

Finally, higher education institutions are being forced to run like businesses. Many Americans feel this is long overdue.

I’ve said for some time that college is a ruse. You should be able to get out in half the time, which means half the debt. But because government is in the business of indoctrination, colleges have served foundationally in that effort.

But people are waking up. As the College Fix reported of one university,

Nearly one in three degree programs at St. Cloud State University will get the ax, due to budgetary problems.

Roughly 60 percent of minors are also getting the boot at the public university, according to a recent announcement.

“In a presentation to the campus community on Tuesday, SCSU Acting President Larry Lee confirmed the university will suspend 42 degree programs and 50 minor programs,” KARE 11 reported yesterday.

That’s an amazing number of cuts, considering that 94 degree problems will remain. Almost 50 percent of their programs are gone. And this didn’t include cuts the university made last year.

“The reductions will leave SCSU with a total academic portfolio of 94 degree programs (62 bachelor’s degrees, 29 master’s degrees, and three doctoral degrees) and 35 minor programs,” the news outlet reported. “According to the university, 92% of current students are enrolled in one of the 94 remaining academic programs.”

The school is also cutting faculty, staff, and administrative programs.

The cuts include ending minors in “Ethnic Studies,” “Chicano Studies,” and “Asian-Pacific American Studies.”

Music, hospitality, Spanish, and sociology undergraduate degrees will also be eliminated, according to KARE 11.

In other words, the university is focusing on degrees that matter again. And the reason is simple: money.

The article continues,

St. Cloud State “experienced an $18 million net operating loss in fiscal year 2023, and is expected to lose $15 million in 2024,” KARE 11 previously reported in May.

“The higher education landscape is facing unprecedented struggles – student enrollment declines, affordability concerns, a proliferation of higher education alternatives, public perception of college degrees, and financial strains…among others,” Lee told the university community in May. “These circumstances negatively impact higher education, generally, and St. Cloud State University, specifically.”

Capitalists revolt.

No longer are corporations hiring people with the nonsensical degrees. As I wrote in my book Race Pimping, for quite some time, more money went into nonsense degrees than into colleges’ and universities’ core curricula. The results were predictable.

Colleges and universities attracted idiots. They dumbed down their universities while drawing in the worst students- career whiners who know how to game the system.

Now capitalist America no longer wants these whiny brats. Corporations need dedicated employees and not social justice warriors waiting to protest anything and everything. Worse, these ‘warriors’ don’t like working. Instead of helping their companies grow, these leftists are on the lookout for the next opportunity for a riot, a media frenzy or a lawsuit- a lawsuit being the holy grail.

If any group is experiencing what happens when you hire bad employees, it’s academia.

They invited the worst public to be served by the worst employees: professors. And tenured professors are the worst or the worst.

Just like corporations must cut the fat, so must academia. This reckoning is long overdue, and the carnage is only beginning. I anticipate higher ed taking a very deep and introspective look at itself. The key is to figure out how to take the best from students and make it better, versus the indoctrination that marginalizes most.

Is academia regaining sanity? Perhaps, as these cuts show that the bottom line may have finally superseded indoctrination. If we’ve learned anything from the Biden Administration, it has to be that you don’t want to put the idiots in charge.

Finally, I think it’s safe to let my optimism shine. Clearly, this is a step in the right direction. Of course, I think I will believe it more when I see students graduating from programs that taught alternative views to the Leftist propaganda that permeates almost all of higher ed. It’s our only hope of putting common sense back into the workforce.


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